

I am sorry, I had a pretty interesting philosophy lesson in school today, and this just came into my crazy little mind. I am sorry, if you feel your beloved Gundam characters offended by this, but remember: IT’S JUST FICTION!


The empty room, stuffed with tools and computers was filled noisily. Five scientists occupied the table in the center, talking loudly.

            “Why have you ordered us here, close to midnight?” Professor G said with an angry snarl.

            “Good question!” Master D complained, drumming his nails on the surface of the table.

            “Everything is going...” but Doctor S couldn’t finish his sentence – J slammed his hand down onto the table, producing an echoing noise that muted all talking.

            “If I were you, Professor G,” he snarled darkly, “I wouldn’t be complaining too much. This involves you as much as it involves me.”

            G looked quite puzzled at the concerned and sweaty Doctor J, who took a deep breath, before he sat down at the head of the table. He wiped his forehead with the one human hand he had. “Gentleman, this is going to be a shock to all of you. I cannot even explain...” He turned around and pulled a button which lit the giant screen they were facing. J clenched his teeth, as the puzzled scientists watched the recorded scene.


            The recording started as Heero was standing in the middle of the room, staring ahead of him. In his hand he held a screwdriver. After a moment of silence he just dropped it.

            “Duo...?” he said, looking ahead, his body tensed in shock. The camera zoomed back, revealing Duo standing ahead of him. He had his hat on, so shadows covered his face.

            “Gomen nasai...” he said, moving a hand to the hat and shadowing his face even more. The Perfect Soldier just watched for a while.

            “No...” he finally said. “I didn’t know you felt the same.” He took an awkward step forwards, blushing some, as he freed Duo of the hat, pulling his face close to the others. The two pilots met in a passionate kiss, hugging tightly, enjoying themselves.


            J stopped the recording. “They are going even further...” he said coldly, and turned his chair back to the other four scientists. Professor G looked extremely pale. There was no explanation for this, they all knew that.

            “If it had been Trowa... I’d have understood,” Doctor S muttered, gasping for air.

            J glanced at these others angrily. “I just hope none of you guys fucked with me fifteen years ago!” he snarled angrily. The scientist just glared back and it was Professor H, who found his words first.

            “No,... I can’t explain that myself... I am sorry, Doctor J and Professor G, but you must have made the mistake yourself.”

            “MISTAKE?” J yelled, slamming his hand on the table once more, “It was all throughoutly PLANNED!” His mechanical hand flexed dangerously. “We have carefully assorted all genetic substance, produced what we needed, provoked whatever was necessary and left out other things. From the very beginning neither of the pilots was supposed to love!”

            “Maybe, Doctor, it’s just the sexual interest. We didn’t take that out - for our reasons.”

            “No, hell, NO! Heero loves Duo, and Duo loves Heero. They love each other as much as a lover can. Do I need to show you more of this tape right now, to prove to you what is happening? Do you really need to hear more of what they are telling each other, when they lay in one another’s arms? There’s no denying it.”

            The scientists gazed down onto the table.

            “How could that possibly have happened?” Professor H asked.

            “And what do we have to fear for Quatre and Wufei?” Master D pressed out with some effort. “I worked well on Wufei’s genetic codes, there can’t be anything---”

            “So did I on Duo’s,” G whispered restrainedly, “I can’t understand what we messed up.”

            “Neither can I. I’ve always trusted in all our abilities,” Doctor S confirmed. “I wonder whether the original Trowa Barton...”

            “Stop it,” H shushed him.

            “Fact is,” J picked up again, “that Duo already rebelled once against this whole system... Not to mention Quatre’s little fit,” he looked at H in an uncomfortable manner, “and my Heero, not killing those he was supposed to kill. However, we could say all this was due to minor mistakes. This newly revealed feature is putting things into a different light. I think you are all clear, what our genetic experiments tried to create: A group of strong war heroes, perfectly matching in their abilities – a unique team if you will, unafraid of death.”

            The group nodded.

            “We did best as we could, creating personalities, making them act and behave like humans, making each one different in a way. I thank you for Duo, Professor G, for Wufei, Master D and for Quatre, Professor H. I even thank you Doctor S, for not hesitating to send your own project to death and finding such a fitting substitute for Trowa. Yet, we have to admit, that what we have created is beyond us. We have to admit, it is running out of our hands...”

            Once again he turned to the screen. Professor H and Master D clenched their teeth. Duo was out of control, but maybe Quatre and Wufei would still be functioning perfectly.

            “Here are our projects, in their current positions...” J said, grabbing a remote and going through the channels. He gasped, as he came across the kitchen camera, where Duo was currently cuddling with Heero. In Wufei’s chamber, they found everything alright, fortunately for Master D. Yet... there was another surprise. The next image showed Trowa and Quatre, laying in bed next to each other, a blanked covering their half-naked bodies.

            “No,” H gasped at the sight of Quatre cuddled to the taller European.

            “I am sorry...” S said, fearing that the only natural human “Trowa” had seduced Quatre.

            “Might not be your fault, after all...” H muttered, “I know Quatre has changed before.”          

            “Let’s face it,” J said, finally switching the screen off, “It won’t take long for Wufei to be the same. Our genetic project has run out of our hands a long while ago.”

            “Right,” G admitted, “They have developed a mind and life of their own. They still are good fighters, but they won’t listen to us for much longer. They will make all their own decisions.”

            “Let’s not fool ourselves,” H said, finally catching himself again, “they have never been under our control in the first place.”

            “They are no humans!” D protested.

            “What do you define as human?” J asked angrily. “They do not only look like humans – they are conscious of themselves, they make their own decisions, they feel, and they have developed a sense of love all on their own. Life – nature – has forced it’s will all by itself, shown us, what ignorant people we are, to believe we could create ‘human machines’, just how we wish them to be.”

            “But love give’s these guys another meaning,” Doctor S interrupted, “They might not be willing to sacrifice their lives now, they might loose their skills on the battlefield.”

            “It is not in our hands!” G snarled.

            “We won’t be able to create people as we wish them to be. We tried to play God and it’s just the right thing to happen to us. It means more than thirty years of studying went down the drain. We have been taught something, though. Life is so precious, that humans like us could never recreate that. Nature takes it’s path without our influence. We wanted to create machines, designed and created after our will in tubs. Once again, we see, that the machines turn against us, because what we did was wrong. We haven’t got the right to mess with life.”

            “Are the four pilots, who are our creation, really alive, though? What we did was, we gave him the ability for most human emotions, and that’s what they show...” D interrupted, thinking about Wufei’s shocked face as his colony had been blown up.

            “They are more alive than our numb minds will ever be,” J said, all weak and resigned. “I hereby pronounce, that our project has failed. We must leave these pilots to their own decisions from now on. As human beings they have the right for freedom. I thank all of you for sacrificing your life time for one of the most important realizations in human history: We are not meant to create or copy life. They are not ours anymore.”


            “We haven’t failed,” G agreed, “we’ve succeeded in adding a challenge to the beauty of nature, and nature has taken it with all it’s blissfulness.”


            There was silence on the table. After a while, J unplugged the computers.

“They have a right for privacy.”



